Friday, October 21, 2011

Autumn of the Heart-chapter 4

Okay if she wasn't totally sure of it before, now it was official. Kit was the most selfish uncaring, irresponsible human being ever. Connie! Of course she knew she could almost always count on Connie. Yep she called her and she was on her way over to rescue poor poor Bono.

Connie was the kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have. She told it like it was, but in the way you understood she cared enough to be honest. They had grown up two streets away from each other, and Kit practically lived at Connie's house. Connie's mother was so good to Kit, they adored each other. Kit felt as though she could tell her anything. When Kit had found she was pregnant, it was Connie's mother she confided in before her own mother. Kit was more like a sister to Connie all through the years and even more, now with her own sister living out of state.

Connie was quite surprised to hear of Kit's uncharacteristic response, to her work dilemma and quite supportive. "Right on sister, I'm proud of you" Connie revealed, as she had tried to talk Kit into getting out of that "nowhere business" as she called it. "I've been telling you for years, and now you have no excuse. You and I can start that business we've always dreamed of!"

Kit didn't know about that. Really it had been Kit's dream to open her own bridal shop or vintage store, but Connie's ideas, were a little "out there" sometimes for Kit's exquisite taste.

Connie was a free-lance photographer. She was definitely talented, but extremely unconventional. Some of her work was in small non-profit galleries around town. She certainly wasn't bringing in the big bucks, but that was Connie, no compromise, no way. Honestly Kit wished she were more like Connie, but they couldn't be more different. It had always been that way. Connie was political and Kit thought radical. When Connie and Kit would go out together, like to dinner, Kit would be on pins and needles, worrying what Connie might say or ask. "Is your salad from Guatemala" or "can I go in the kitchen and film your dish washers" just never knew and didn't dare guess, what Connie might think of. But Kit wouldn't ever want to change her. As they grew up, there were times when it was particularly hard to stay close friends with Connie, as you could imagine, Connie was not exactly in with the "in crowd". How thankful that even as a starving to fit in teenager, Kit had realized what a jewel of a friend she had in Connie.

Kit made herself a cup of tea. She wasn't sure how old this tea was, but she didn't care. She would go into town in the morning for some groceries. Opening the window, she pulled in the wonderful salty air of the bay. What a fantastic view it was, the old light-house, the bridge way in the distance. Kit watched from her porch as a woman and child played along the edge of the water. They were dressed alike, both in jeans, rolled up and red long heavy sweaters. The little girl was showing something to her mother, probably a beautiful shell of some sort. The woman was responding to her as if she had found the hope diamond. Suddenly a tall man ran up and grabbed the woman from behind, she turned and hugged him tightly, kissing him, like only couples with young children around would do. Then the little girl ran to be included and the man picked her up,swirling her around, her delights reaching to Kits' cold ears.

Why couldn't that have been her. Why couldn't she and Neal be doing this. Her heart ached as she still watched, unable to look away, unable to change the bitter past.

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